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After being stationed in the fast-paced bubble known as the DMV we were struggling to live a healthier lifestyle due to our busy work schedule, the dreaded beltway traffic and our son’s sporting activities; we were once again put in a situation in which our environment dictated our health choices. We quickly found out that this community lacked healthy food options…..


In the midst of trying to maintain our healthy lifestyle and still meet all of our other obligations we discovered juicing and smoothies which became an easy and fast option but also provided us with the essential vitamins that are body needs to optimize its functions and it tasted delicious!!!


Starting small with juicing at home and telling our friends and family how good this made us feel, our increased energy, feeling more rested, and our overall health was at an all-time high!! We would then start getting request from friends and family to make them juices which we obliged because we understood that they were facing the same issues we faced in trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


With motivation from our friends and family is with great pleasure that we share the benefits of freshly made juices and smoothies with our community!


Spin Juice House has been a labor of love, as a couple from the Bronx coming from immigrant families and beating many adversaries. This business has been a dream come true and making the American dream a reality.


We want to welcome all of you to OUR  YOUR House, Spin Juice House!

About Us

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