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Greetings everyone,


My name is Connie McMillan. I am the Queen of Sobriety. My mission is to change lives for the better, one non-alcoholic cocktail at a time by sharing  products, service and providing an educational support system.


My childhood was anything other than non-alcoholic growing up. I am the youngest of three children and I am a survivor of alcohol abuse.  As a child I grew up in a household where alcohol was as present as salt and pepper shakers are on a kitchen table. Every event held inside or outside of my home alcohol was there. It never mattered the occasion good or bad alcohol was always an invited guest. Unfortunately, because of its reliable pattern to stir up emotions of anger I was always left knowing how the evenings would end. This usually ended with family and/or friends enraged.

Because of the environments (home & outside) as a result I used and abused alcohol for a lot of my adult life. At every occasion I celebrated in my home I was sure to invite alcohol to be the guest of honor. Every event and restaurant I attended was based off of my decision to know if alcohol would be an attendee for the evening. My circles of friends were all individuals who drank and abused alcohol because that was my understanding of “fun” and acceptance as I knew it. It wouldn’t be until years later that I would come to learn two very important lessons:

(1) Alcohol doesn’t serve any positive benefits

(2)You are who you hang around.

These lessons would later help to transform me into discovering my purpose of inspiring individuals who struggle with the use of alcohol and become an entrepreneur with a mission to: Change lives for the better, one non-alcoholic cocktail at time.

During my own struggles with alcohol I couldn’t see how much my life was increasingly spiraling out of control. Whenever difficulties would arise in my life I would deal with them the way I remembered those from my childhood environment dealing with them…by drinking.

As a result of my decision to choose alcohol as my means of escape it stole a lot: my self-esteem, self-worth, it brought shame and increased pain to my life. It brought out various kinds of emotions and even caused me to become depressed at times. But the bonus came when I tried to commit suicide.

It wasn’t until one day I caught a reflection of myself in the mirror. I looked horrible. I had no joy in my eyes. I had bags under eyes and my self-esteem had become nonexistent. I couldn’t hide the shame any longer. I couldn’t drink the pain away any longer. At this point NOTHING worked other than facing my reality. Alcohol had taken so many valuables and in exchange it brought a tremendous amount of pain.

However, after getting sick and tired of the way alcohol was abusing me, I took a different approach. I decided to take EVERYTHING to God. I honestly expressed, “This substance is going to KILL ME. I can’t escape it on my own. I need you to help me. Take the taste out of my mouth and even out of my mind.”

In the beginning of 2014 he granted my request and removed the taste/desire of alcohol from me. Not only did he deliver me from my struggle of alcohol he also, told me to start my business by removing the alcohol. Originally when I first started my business it was in 2012 during which time we were operating using alcohol.

Today, my life is very different from my life before alcohol abuse. My decisions are better, my health is better. I AM A SURVIVOR. Cocktails With Chocolate Non Alcoholic Beverage Company began operating in January 2014 and we haven’t look back. 

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