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We hold ourselves to a higher standard, providing you a healthier living environment which starts in your home. 




There is irrefutable scientific research that confirms contaminated indoor air is directly linked to many illnesses and diseases. At EcoCare we are committed to helping you create a healthy safe environment for you and your family.

As more individuals become aware, the need for clean air purifiers and home carbon air filtration systems is now the standard solution EcoCare Home Comfort provides. 


If allergies and breathing problems affects your family members then consider calling us today for a free consultation with one of our expert associates. 


Studies and research has proven that clean air purifiers in homes can alleviate many bronchiolar lung problems such as asthma. Pet smells, flagrant meals or even mold we have the solutions to keep your home filled with clean purified air.

The need for that fresh air feeling has never been more convenient without having the cold draft blowing through your house. The air quality of your home is significantly better when there is a home air filtration system. Raising awareness for this essential home service that has a dramatic effect on your day to day living is what we at EcoCare Home Comfort believe is the key difference that we bring to your home. 


Our range of product knowledge and simple solutions  are there to ensure that 99.97% of dust, dirt, pollen, biological pollutants like airborne mold spores and chemical pollutants including household odours.


Enjoy the many benefits of whole-home Air Exchangers year-round!


  • Continuous supply of fresh outside air into your home even with your windows closed.

  • Exhaust environmental contaminants for improved indoor air quality.

  • Air Exchangers save energy in the winter by recovering heat from exhaust air.

  • Save energy in the summer by recovering cool indoor air from exhaust air.

  • Prevent mould and mildew.

  • Minimize odours and cooking residue.

  • Reduce harmful Radon Gas levels where active soil depressurization is unlikely to be successful.


With our HEPA filters and HRV systems your furnace heating system will operate at its optimal level.


HEPA Air Filter 


High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance is a natural air cleaner which traps particulate matter that is generally responsible for increasing health pulmonary problems such as asthma. HEPA filters will trap particles responsible for exacerbating and causing many of the symptoms allergy sufferers complain about such as dust allergens, pet dander, mold and pollen. HEPA filters are found in medical facilities to ensure the cleanest, most sterile environment possible to allow for the greatest safety of their patients. 

If you or your loved ones suffer from breathing problems, call us today to find out if a HEPA air filter is right for your home.


Carbon Air Filters


Carbon Air Filter technology activates carbon with oxygen, trapping chemicals, gases, and odours quickly and easily. This further increases the efficiency of the air purifier and removes a wider range of airborne contaminants from the air that you breathe.



Heat Recovery Ventilator


Are you looking to improve the comfort level of your business or home? A heat recovery ventilator is a great option, as it will allow you to ventilate your interior in colder weather while retaining the heat and moisture you need to be comfortable.

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