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Financial Umbrella is a global consulting business specializing in financial management. We offer tools to create a workable plan to budget, eliminate debt and build your credit. Our CEO has a passion for giving back to the community by teaching Financial Literacy.



"A global consulting business...offering tools to create plans and budgets."

Company Profile

About the CEO
Our Founder and CEO, Patrice Sykes began her career in the United States Navy. She was a Chief Logistics Specialist and over her 20 honorable years served, she had a phenomenal leadership role and managed over $500M. Patrice graduated from Vincennes University and The Art Institute with high honors and found her true passion was to help others. She is life and health licensed in California, Texas, Illinois and Arizona. She is a Certified Financial Education Instructor and continues to pursue continuing education while teaching others the importance of education.

She has a special passion to teach the Urban community about Financial Literacy. Her goal is help families understand the importance of being financially free to live the life of abundance, live with purpose and comfortably secure. 

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